Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Sang Drummer Bertangan Satu

Apa kalian pernah mikir ada drummer terkenal yang dapat sukses tanpa satu dari tangannya?
apa kalian pernah mikir bahwa orang yang bertangan satu gak bisa jadi pemain drum?
postingan Arya yang satu ini bakal ngejawabnya

Rick Allen, drummer band Def Leppard yang dikenal difabel, karna hanya memiliki satu tangan saja.
Dulu sich, Rick Allen punya dua tangan, nah sayangnya karna mengalami kecelakaan yang cukup berat, dia kehilangan satu tangannya. nah ini tentunya bikin semua hal jadi beda banget dari biasanya.

bayangin aja disaat kalian harus melakukan segala hal yang kalian lakuin dengan 2 tangan, kini kalian harus menyesuaikan diri dengan satu tangan aja, terlebih lagi sebagai seorang drummer yang sehari-harinya menggebuk drum dengan kedua tangan karna memaksakan pemakaian 2 stik drum and kaki pun harus dengan kognisi yang terlatih + peka, baru mainnya bagus..

Nah waktu band Def Leppard ini sedang diatas angin atau ada pada deretan kesuksesan setelah album Pyromania yang dirilis tahun 1984, sang drummer harus menerima kenyataan bahwa tangannya hanya tinggal satu..
Apa yang terjadi ini ternyata tidak menjadikan grup ini bubar atau berganti personel karena salah satu anggotanya menjadi difabel.

Ternyata Rick Allen dapat menyesuaikan hidupnya dengan tangan satu dan terus hidup, di terima dan tidak ditendang oleh grup band yang sedang sukses saat itu. dalam pandangan sahabat satu bandnya, teman tetaplah teman, terlebih lagi sampai sekarang dapat terlihat. Rick Allen, masihlah seorang pemain handal..

Tak ada pandangan sinis tertuju padanya. Bahwa bagaimanapun setiap orang dapat menjadi difabel, dalam hitungan detik. mana bisa kita nolak musibah.. pasti semua gak pengen bernasib kayak Rick Allen. beberapa orang mungkin bakal pesimis, tapi coba kita lihat drummer yang satu ini! dia bertahan!  Banyak perspektif dan paradigma yang bisa kita bangun dari kejadian yang menimpa Rick Allen dan Def Leppard pada saat itu. tekad, bisa mewujudkan banyak hal, sekalipun memiliki kekurangan..

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Jimi Hendrix

hay all.
this time i will post some info about Jimi Hendrix
if in another post i use indonesian, now, i post with something different
okay, check out my post
Jimi Hendrix Biography


Guitarist, singer, and songwriter Jimi Hendrix was born on November 27, 1942, in Seattle, Washington. Learning to play guitar as a teenager, Hendrix grew up to become a rock guitar legend who excited audience in the 1960s with his innovative electric guitar playing. Hendrix died in 1970 from drug-related complications, leaving his mark on the world of rock music and remaining popular to this day.

Early Life

Guitarist, singer, and songwriter. Born Johnny Allen Hendrix (later changed to James Marshall) on November 27, 1942, in Seattle, Washington. Learning to play guitar as a teenager, Hendrix grew up to become a rock guitar legend. He had a difficult childhood, sometimes living in the care of relatives and even acquaintances at times.

His mother, Lucille, was only 17 years old when Hendrix was born. She had a stormy relationship with his father, Al, and eventually left the family after the couple had two more children together, sons Leon and Joseph. Hendrix would only see his mother sporadically before her death in 1958.

Musical Aspirations

In many ways, music became a sanctuary for Hendrix. He was a fan of blues music and taught himself to play guitar. At the age of 14, Hendrix saw Elvis Presley perform. He got his first electric guitar the following year and eventually played with two bands - the Rocking Kings and the Tomcats. In 1959, Hendrix dropped out of high school. He worked odd jobs while continuing to follow his musical aspirations.

Hendrix enlisted in the United States Army in 1961 and trained at Fort Ord in California to become a paratrooper. Even as a soldier, he found time for music, creating a band named The King Casuals. Hendrix served in the army until 1962 when he was discharged due to an injury.

After leaving the military, Hendrix pursued his music, working as a session musician and playing backup for such performers as Little Richard, Sam Cooke, and the Isley Brothers. He also formed a group of his own called Jimmy James and the Blue Flames, which played gigs around New York City's Greenwich Village neighborhood.

Career Breakthrough

In mid-1966, Hendrix met Chas Chandler, a former member of the Animals, a successful rock group, who became his manager. Chandler convinced Hendrix to go to London where he joined forces with musicians Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell to create The Jimi Hendrix Experience. While there, Hendrix built up quite a following among England's rock royalty. Members of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, and Eric Clapton were all great admirers of Hendrix's work. One critic for the British music magazine Melody Maker said that he "had great stage presence" and looked at times as if he was playing "with no hands at all."

Released in 1967, the band's first single, "Hey Joe" was an instant smash in Britain, and was soon followed by other hits such as "Purple Haze" and "The Wind Cried Mary." On tour to support his first album, Are You Experienced? (1967), Hendrix delighted audiences with his outrageous guitar-playing skills and his innovative, experimental sound. He won over American music fans with his stunning performance at the Monterey Pop Festival in June 1967, which ended with Hendrix lighting his guitar on fire.

Rock Superstar

Quickly becoming a rock music superstar, Hendrix scored again with his second album, Axis: Bold as Love (1968). His final album as part of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Electric Ladyland (1968), was released and featured the hit "All Along the Watchtower," which was written by Bob Dylan. The band continued to tour until it split up in 1969.

That same year, Hendrix performed at another legendary musical event: the Woodstock Festival. His rock rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" amazed the crowds and demonstrated his considerable talents as a musician. He was also an accomplished songwriter and musical experimenter. Hendrix even had his own recording studio in which he could work with different performers and try out new songs and sounds.

Hendrix tried his luck with another group, forming Band of Gypsys in late 1969 with his army buddy Billy Cox and drummer Buddy Miles. The band never really took off, and Hendrix began working on a new album tentatively named First Rays of the New Rising Sun, with Cox and Mitch Mitchell from the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Unfortunately Hendrix did not live to complete the project.

Tragic Death

Hendrix died on September 18th, 1970, from drug-related complications. While this talented recording artist was only 27 years old at the time of his passing, Hendrix left his mark on the world of rock music and remains popular to this day. As one journalist wrote in the Berkeley Tribe, "Jimi Hendrix could get more out of an electric guitar than anyone else. He was the ultimate guitar player."

okay that's all info that i knew
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